The Society for Nubian Cultures is a non profit making society.


Article 2 of its constitution defines its aims as follows :


- To make known Nubian history and civilisation


- Assist the research and study of Nubia


- Favour archaeological sponsorship by supporting the mission approved by the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums of Sudan (NCAM)


- Facilitate the exchange of information on Nubian history and archaeology


- Organize conferences


- Publish books and articles


The Society for Nubian Cultures is made up of, besides the members of the Society, a Research Committee and a Sponsorship Department (see details in the "Menu")


Société des Cultures Nubiennes



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scn egypte soudan nil desert nubie nubia pyramides cataractes meroe kawa djebel barkal kerma ile de sai
scn egypte soudan nil desert nubie nubia pyramides cataractes meroe kawa djebel barkal kerma ile de sai