Our association raises funds in order to preserve the Sudanese archaeological patrimony with the agreement of the National Corporation for Archaeology and Museums of Sudan (NCAM).

Joy Soulé-Nan, Director of the "Preservation of the Historical Monuments of Sudan" section of the S.C.N, with Aïder Hamid, representative of the Sudanese Ministry of the Culture (february 2008) / Joy Soulé-Nan, Directeur du département "Préservation des Monuments Historiques du Soudan" au sein de la S.C.N, en compagnie de Aïder Hamid, représentant du Ministère Soudanais de la Culture (février 2008)

Djebel Barkal pyramids (III and I Century B.C.) / Pyramides du Djebel Barkal (IIIè et Ier siècles av. J-C)



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scn egypte soudan nil desert nubie nubia pyramides cataractes meroe kawa djebel barkal kerma ile de sai
scn egypte soudan nil desert nubie nubia pyramides cataractes meroe kawa djebel barkal kerma ile de sai