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Copyrights This site is a creation of the Companies Clé de Site and L.B COM' for the Société des Cultures Nubiennes. All representation or reproduction, even incomplete in its texts without any authorization, is illegal and will lead toward judicial pursuits.
Responsabilities The site and its content is under the responsability of the Société des Cultures Nubiennes (référence : Déclaration of modification given april 4th 2006 by the Prefecture of the Aube Department under the number 0103009792), presented by its Chairmain, Joy Soulé-Nan. The SCN declines any responsability concerning the content of the internet sites with whom, the SCN could have any links from its own initiative or not.
Photos credit (alphabetical order) Marie-José Baron Raymond Carton Alain Cassegrain André Ferrand Rex and Elizabeth Keating Danielle Larran Maurizio Levy Joy Soulé-Nan
Maps The maps are made from the originals by Amélie l'Amoulen, created to illustrate the book by Joy Soulé-Nan, « La Nubie des Pyramides », published by the Ed. Le Rocher, at the end of 2002.
Logo The SCN logo is a creation of L.B COM'